Quantum Computing Hardware vs Quantum Computing Software

August 18, 2021

Quantum Computing Hardware vs Quantum Computing Software

Quantum Computing is a rapidly growing field that has numerous applications and implications. It is expected to reshape the way we do computing by outpacing the classical computing speed and capacity by several magnitudes. In this article, we will compare Quantum Computing Hardware and Quantum Computing Software to give you an understanding of the key differences between them and how they contribute to the overall functioning of a quantum computer.

Quantum Computing Hardware

Quantum Computing Hardware comprises devices that perform quantum operations on qubits (quantum bits). The hardware is essential for a quantum computer to function correctly. Unlike classical computers that use binary digits (bits), quantum computers use qubits, which can hold multiple states at the same time, giving them a remarkable computational advantage. Quantum computers require a delicate hardware system with the ability to generate and maintain the state of qubits. Quantum computers' hardware requires effective error management techniques, as quantum bits can be extremely sensitive to the environment.

The performance of a quantum computer depends significantly on the quality of the hardware; the more hardware that is available, the more resources are available for quantum computing operations. The hardware required for quantum computing is costly to develop, and the associated costs can be hundreds of millions of dollars. IBM's 50 qubit computer, for example, retails for approximately $15 million.

Quantum Computing Software

Quantum Software is the set of tools, programming languages, operating systems, and algorithms that enable quantum computers to execute tasks. Unlike classical computers that use programming languages such as Python, Java, etc., quantum computers require specialized programming languages like Qiskit, Quipper, and Cirq. These programming languages allow software developers to develop algorithms that run on quantum hardware.

Quantum software is critical to quantum computing's growth as it enables researchers and developers to write and run algorithms, simulations, and other applications that leverage quantum computing's enormous computational performance. Quantum Computing software's unique features include quantum noise simulation, quantum system simulation, and quantum device management

The performance of quantum computing software depends on the quality of the programming language, the accuracy of the algorithms, and the optimization of the code. These factors can significantly affect the efficiency of the quantum computer's operations.


Quantum Computing Hardware and Quantum Computing Software are two integral components of a holistic quantum computing ecosystem. They work together to provide the computational power that we need for quantum computing operations.

  • Quantum Computing Hardware is expensive and very complex, and its progress is slower than software's growth.
  • Quantum Computing Software, on the other hand, is relatively inexpensive and more adaptable to new technologies and scientific discoveries.

Hardware and software are not rivals in the quantum computing industry, but they complement each other. Research and development of quantum hardware are continuously exploring newer paths, and they are gradually keeping up with the software growth rate.

In summary, the performance of quantum computing is increasingly dependent on the quality of the hardware and the software. The current state of the industry dictates that both hardware and software should evolve at a steady rate to match each other.


  • "Quantum Hardware". IBM Research. Retrieved August 15, 2021.
  • "Quantum Software". IBM Research. Retrieved August 15, 2021.
  • "Quantum Computing Hardware Market Size, Share & Growth". Fortune Business Insights. Retrieved August 15, 2021.

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